Every one of us writes a story. Every single day, another page is added. As one-chapter finishes, another one starts.

Someday we may face a blank page.

If you need support to find the inspiration to Write this new chapter, contact me.

Let me say a few words about me and my approach.

Who am I ?

My name is Frederic. I am originally from Belgium.

From my teenage years, I have always been passionate about observing the world, understanding what drives people in life and what makes them behave and think the way they do. This passion drove me to study Psychology.

For 15 years, I have been supporting the strategies of businesses as a Human Resources professional and I have always enjoyed helping people on their path to discovering themselves and achieving personal growth.

Therefore, I decided to explore the world of coaching and its techniques to give more weight to what I was already doing naturally. The coaching certification confirmed to me that the meaning of my life is to help others find meaning in theirs.



My approach is psychology-coaching based and is aimed at not only working on the behaviours but most importantly at understanding the desires, the beliefs, the feelings, the thoughts, the urges, the failings that are underneath the outward behaviour.


With this new knowledge, you will become more self-aware about who you are, see things from a different perspective, be able to find out what you really want in life and in your career and value yourself more through new convictions, decisions, and actions. You will start to move from where you are to where you want to be.


We will create a space where introspection meets creativity and playfulness. Therefore, we will use tools and techniques like visualisations, role plays, acting, drawings, reading articles, finding new perspectives, etc, which will stimulate your inner senses, raise your self-awareness and awaken your internal resources.

The sessions can be carried out in French, English, Spanish and Dutch and take place virtually or face to face, respecting distancing measures.